The Office of the Legislative Assembly is committed to promoting a safe and respectful culture in the Assembly for young people and children. Our commitment includes a child safety code of conduct and associate policy which have been developed to address the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

The Office of the Legislative Assembly is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Our focus is to create a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for all children and young people that is welcoming and culturally safe and inclusive for everyone. We will always behave respectfully, courteously and ethically towards children and young people and their families.

We value the opinions and views of children and young people and strive to include them when making decisions about activities, policies and processes that concern them wherever possible.

We take all complaints regarding children and young people’s safety and wellbeing seriously and will respond to any concerns and complaints promptly and in line with our policy.

Our Child safety code of conduct and policy was endorsed by the Assembly's Administration and Procedure Committee in June 2024. You can find a copy of it here:

The code and policy apply to all MLAs, their staff/contractors, staff involved in the parliamentary education program, and other staff/contractors of the Office of the Legislative Assembly who may have contact with children or young people in the course of their duties.

You can make a complaint or request more information by emailing:

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